My young son just loves it when I get my anvil out to shoe my own pony. He always asks for a hammer and I let him hammer on a shoe to help me. Maybe he will make some pan racks for me one day!
Coppicing Chestnut trees for fire wood.
The trees I pledge to plant every year have finally turned up. They went astray somewhere but are now here in Suffolk and are in the process of being planted. This year I have approximately 150 of varying species. I just adore planting trees. It feels so good and to make it easier a...
A few words on growing ones own veg and learning to get a work/life balance.
It was partly due to Feng shui that we decided to clear up and really organise our very small kitchen. When space is at a minimum one needs to get creative. Finding the right pot or pan when they are all stacked on top of one another inside a dark cupboard is annoying and...
How green are you? My wife began incorporating green smoothies into her daily life a month before Christmas. The look of them just puts me off but she has convinced me that they have such health boosting properties and regeneration results that I felt I wanted to have a taste finally! I was absolutely...
Why we need to look after our song bird population in this cold weather.
It is precious Sunday and I have been having a brilliant invigorating time with my 3 year old son in the snow. It takes us at least 20 minutes to tog up to go out. Firsty there is the thermal vest and long johns, socks tucked over the top then trousers then waterproof over...
I am recovering after shoeing today in freezing conditions and came across this picture in the summer of myself with my pony. I give him a cuddle everyday as I dont have much time for the thing I like most which is driving him out. He loves a cuddle and I think he especially...
Over Christmas I have been busy thinking about when to put in all the trees that I have pledged to plant. Exactly when is what I am deciding, as I know it needs to be in the dormant winter months. I came across a really informative website of which I am sharing a paragraph...