Proudly made in Britain

Our Promise

As a brand what do we stand for? We believe that the value and necessity of quality products has intensified. Made by the Forge is well established in the real world making real-world products for real people who care about their purchases and their home and environment. We stand for the refreshing reality of ironwork and the tactility of superb craftsmanship.

We believe that the art of crafting iron into beautiful products for current and future generations to cherish, is a skill that must not be lost. Iron is a living element that we harness using the raw power of fire, air and water. 

We tell our company story through the rhythm of the hammer and the anvil, the flickering of the flame and the forge, beating out unique products that express the artistry of each of our craftspeople, helping the customer, in turn, to tell their own story, the beat of their own hearth.

Our products are for the discerning and tasteful customer who recognises the value, both practical and psychological, of finely made ironwork. Our products make homes desirable, make customers feel special, and make them stand out from the crowd.

We stand for the denial of throw-away culture. What we make lasts a lifetime and beyond. We aim to give back to the planet what we take out. That is why we plant a tree for every order we receive. We have also made a commitment to the SME Climate Hub to follow the ‘Ten Steps to Net Zero’ Plan.




Forge a friendship

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Tree planting pledge
sustainable materials