We offer several different ways to purchase items seen on our website. Please see below for details.
The fastest way to shop from us is to buy directly from our website. It is simple and secure. Select the items you wish to buy by adding them to your basket. You will then be directed to your basket page where you can review the items and then proceed to the secure payment page to place your order and use your credit/debit card to pay.
You can email us all of your requirements and we will work out the cost for you. The best method is an Excel Spreadsheet containing the information but any list format will be fine.
Information to include for each pole:
Phone us with your order details and we will be happy to help. | Click here to call from your mobile | |
Telephone: | +44 (0)1473 487118 (UK landline) |
Please contact us with your order details and ask us for our details.
Please make cheques payable to 'Made by the Forge' and send them to:
Please include details of your order, a contact name and telephone number with your cheque if you wish to use this method.
We are always more than happy to help you with advice about your order so don’t hesitate to call.
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