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L shaped curtain pole for doors - Left hand arm

L shaped curtain rail - curtain pole for doors

Hand made L shaped door curtain poles

L shaped wide door pole - left hand arm Customer photo: L shaped wide door pole - left hand arm Customer photo: L shaped wide door pole - right hand arm Choice of finials for door pole    

L shaped curtain pole for doors
Left hand arm

This page is for ordering an L-shaped curtain pole with a draw-back arm on the left. This is suitable for wide spaces where there is sufficient room for a second final and wall bracket on the draw-back arm.
See all L-shaped pole options »

Our L shaped curtain pole is designed to park the curtain well out of the way of the door without needing a Portière style swinging arm. For this type of pole, you will need wall space directly next to the door. This will be adjacent to the door.
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Prices start from £320

Ordering your L-shaped curtain pole

If you require help, please call or email us today!

1 - Measuring for your L shaped curtain pole

curved curtain pole for door
Click to zoom

All measurements must be taken on the wall and we then adjust them here at the forge to make the pole sit an even 6.5cm away from your line for the brackets to receive it.

2 - Enter Measurements (in mm)

Always measure right to the corners of the wall. These are the measurements of the wall, not the pole.
1. Measure depth from A to B (inclusive of finial) mm
2. Measure width from B to C (inclusive of finial) mm
3. Measure diagonal from A to C mm

(Total pole length) mm.
Angle at corner B degrees

3 - Choose your finial, finish and curtain rings

Finial type Finish
Beeswax = 100% natural, net-zero product, very environmentally friendly, durable, gun metal grey and highlights the metal's natural grain.
Matt Black = Black in colour, durable, less environmentally friendly (VOCs), very uniform. Read about it in full here - What is the difference between Matt Black and Beeswax finishes?
Passing rings  
Note: All poles are supplied with: 2 x standard bracket and 1 x passing bracket.

4 - Pole price

Pole price:

For delivery charges please see delivery page

Made by the forge provided friendly advice and created an excellent quality curtain rail for this tricky door. I wanted to be able to shut out the draft yet easily open the curtain to allow access and this works perfectly. Thank you so much, I love it! - Thanks Sarah

Product description

Handmade in our very own forge in the heart of Suffolk UK, our made to measure door curtain poles have been designed to suit any door space and are easy to install, straight out of the box. You will find that our poles are not just visually stunning, they also offer functionality and durability, and these sustainable products are designed and built to last a lifetime.

Our L shaped curtain pole is made from solid 20mm steel rod so it is superiorly stronger than its rivals in thin hollow tube. The pole needs three brackets, one and each end and a special passing bracket near the corner which allows the curtain to pass over the top.

You can choose between any finial from the 20mm range, Cannonball, Button, Thumper, Ram’s Horn or Ball and Twisted Cage. Wide doorways will need two finials.

We offer special passing curtain rings and a choice of colour in Matt Black or Beeswax finish. We advise that you need 10 rings per metre of pole.

The passing rings and passing brackets work together to allow the curtain to pass over the top of the bracket. Here is a video of how they work.

Passing rings will only function properly with proper pleated curtains. Loose headed curtains poorly present to the passing bracket and are liable to catch.

Product specification

Material: Solid 20mm iron bar.

Finial choice: Cannonball, Button, Thumper, Ram’s Horn, Ball and Twisted Cage.

Brackets: The pole will include: 1 x standard bracket, 1 x passing bracket, 1 x recess bracket

Finish: Choose from a Matt Black finish or a Natural Beeswax finish.
Both finishes are traditional and will enhance the beauty of the wrought iron pole.

Please contact us for expert help


How to Measure for Curtain Poles

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How to Put Up a Curtain Pole with Brackets

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Making a Cannonball Finial

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How to Put Up a Recess Curtain Pole with Brackets

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